Title: A Good Night Author: joanne_c Fandom: Torchwood Pairing/character: Owen Harper, Gwen Cooper, Carys Rating: R Disclaimer: Torchwood characters and situations are the property of the BBC and Russell T. Davies, not me.
Title: Rewarding Author: joanne_c Fandom: Star Trek XI Pairing/character: Scotty/Chekov Rating: NC-17 Disclaimer: Star Trek belongs to Paramount, the estate of Gene Roddenberry, this version to JJ Abrams - none of who are me.
Title: Waking Up Author: joanne_c Fandom: Star Trek XI Pairing/character: Scotty/Chekov Rating: NC-17 Disclaimer: Star Trek belongs to Paramount, the estate of Gene Roddenberry, this version to JJ Abrams - none of who are me.
Title:Where They Belong Author: joanne_c Fandom: Star Trek Xi RPF Pairing/character: Karl Urban/Chris Pine/Zachary Quinto Rating: NC-17 Disclaimer: Completely fictional, all made up out of my own head and not meant to be taken as anything that ever happened in reality.
Title:Beginnings Author: joanne_c Fandom: Star Trek Xi RPF Pairing/character: Karl Urban/Chris Pine/Zachary Quinto Rating: NC-17 Disclaimer: Completely fictional, all made up out of my own head and not meant to be taken as anything that ever happened in reality.
Title:Photographic Author: joanne_c Fandom: Star Trek Xi RPF Pairing/character: Karl Urban/Joe Quinto Rating: NC-17 Disclaimer: Completely fictional, all made up out of my own head and not meant to be taken as anything that ever happened in reality.
Title: Dualities Author: joanne_c Fandom: White Collar Pairing/character: Peter/Elizabeth/Neal Rating: NC-17 Disclaimer: White Collar is the property of the USA Network and Jeff Eastin, not me.
Title: A Morning Alone Author: joanne_c Fandom: Original Fiction Pairing/character: Nameless male Rating: R Disclaimer: This one is all out of my own head and belongs only to me.